Global Career Lecture Series

Challenges and actions that opened up future doors

October 8, 2015

At this year’s 12th Global Career Course, about sixty students participated in the lecture. This time, postgraduates from National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, who aim to be future leaders were invited.


After each of the five postgraduates gave their self-introduction, Ibrahim Zuhuree started talking about his own career and the activities he has undertaken for his home country Maldives. The theme of the lecture was “negotiation.”


Mr. Zuhuree was born in the Republic of Maldives and left the country at the age of 12 to go study abroad in Australia and Nepal. After coming back to his home country and working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he came to Japan to search for new possibilities. He now studies economic policy.


“The reason why I visit new places is that I can experience new things. Rather than following the rails in front of you, I feel taking risks and making your own way is necessary.” Students nodded as Mr. Zuhuree who has been lived in various places emotionally expressed his thoughts and ideas.


As mentioned earlier, he had worked as an official at the Maldives Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, taking part in numerous negotiations with other nations. He especially focused on activities working toward saving the Maldives from the rise in sea levels caused by global warming.


He had a hard time as he was trying to negotiate with other countries that have less senses of crisis. He felt frustrated sometimes and realized the importance of “Less Talking, More Action.”


You could understand his emotion towards his home country, the Maldives, after hearing about the challenges of his career and his motivation in seeking action to help the Maldives.


“Students, who live in this secure, clean, well organized, and really innovative country, please work hard and take action.” Was his message at the end of the lecture.


The words that came from Mr. Zuhuree were very strong and filled with hope. His energetic speech was an example of the “negotiation” skill that he developed during his career. Students felt that enormous passion and courage to challenge the unknown and to take action for change.

Lecturer Profile
Ibrahim Zuhuree
Born in the Maldives. Postgraduate studies at the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies. Before coming to Japan, he worked in the Maldives Ministry of Foreign Affairs for six years. After that, he served as a director at the  Secretary-General’s office of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation. Now he mainly studies economic policy and also international relations and economic development as a Ph.D student.