Introduction to tap

The Tamagawa Adventure Program (tap) is a program designed towards human development in the great outdoors, in which students are required to work in groups. Students build trusting relationships with friends and find their roles in the team. TAP is based on Project Adventure (PA), a highly successful educational method in the United States. TAP gives students a lot of experience that are essential to their development: facing their inner selves, trying difficult tasks, cooperating with friends, and feeling a sense of accomplishment. Trying various activities in a group aims to promote students' sociability, that will be useful in their future, and to develop their global mind.
Key areas
Schedule - *Compulsory for 10th graders
Voice of Students
Before, I couldn't communicate with people very well while studying abroad. But since taking a part in tap, I have become able to take part in conversations. And this year I could express my opinions the way I wanted to. (10th grade girl)
Mutual respect is the idea that we should listen to one another. Knowing the idea, I have become able to listen to others. Even though the events in each club are very different, there is something in common, and we are making use of it. We can happily learn what is helpful to all our lives in tap. So, I hope more students will experience it. (11th grade boy)